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HR Innovation Challenge

BHP and Accenture want to invite start-ups to participate in a challenge to develop solutions that address real-world human resource challenges. We embark on a journey of discovery to gain visibility into new technological players in the market and learn about new ways of working that can help attract and develop new talent and workforce engagement.

Shaping up the future workforce in mining together

The future of mining presents unseen challenges on talent that need to be addressed with unseen innovative solutions. We firmly believe that the best way to accelerate our journey into the future is through exploring innovative ideas that will help us bring people and resources together to build a better world.

Challenge Categories
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How might we deliver a memorable employee and candidate experience through our benefits?

We are looking to re-imagine the benefits to become more modern and current for future generations and talent pools. From the design and co-creation to accessibility and adoption. Our focus is to create modern, engaging, dynamic experiences that deeply connect with our employees and the workforce of the future. Benefits are a strong component in this equation. We are looking for digital platforms to promote awareness of the benefits, self-management, frictionless experiences and personalization. We need a partner that can help us bring to life the benefits of being part of our organization.

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How might we understand and connect with our employees at a personal level to accompany them in their career growth with us?

We believe that the development of our workforce talent and new opportunities for our employees within the company sparks innovation and inspires new ideas. We are seeking a partner that can help us map out and promote visibility of the internal talent available across the company. We are eager to align our talent with their dream career and the solution might be internal mobility!

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How might we deliver the best onboarding experience and accelerate value delivered for our leaders and employees?

We want to create an amazing working experience for our workforce, one that promotes their engagement and commitment with the company, as well as our line leaders to have their people delivering value as fast as possible, starting with onboarding. This process can have a long-term impact on their enthusiasm and desires to grow professionally alongside the mining industry. We welcome all digital systems that allow us to guide our employees from Day 1, from the actions that our stakeholders need to take to processing all the necessary information. We want to give them a proper experience accompanying them after they join their new journey.


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How might we attract, connect and bring together diverse talent within the mining industry?

We dream of being able to promote a digital ecosystem of diverse talents interested in joining the mining industry. We want to expand, share, accelerate and enhance knowledge and opportunities for women, ethnic groups, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities and all those who can add value to build a diverse and inclusive workforce. We firmly believe that diversity and inclusion is the future. #Whynotmining.

What is in it for you?

For the start-ups we offer the opportunity to:​

  • Expand your brand mileage through validation and sponsorship from global brands like BHP and Accenture​.
  • Opportunity to connect and learn from core decision makers of BHP.
  • Be a game changer (or Build your footprints) in the mining industry via leading global mining company.
  • Network with other innovative LATAM HR Start-ups.
  • Be part of Accenture’s Partner Ecosystem with access to solve for Top 500 Fortune Global Companies.
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Event Timeline
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Webinar and Q&A

Join us for an exciting conversation with Mining and Market Experts to discuss about HR trending topics that have an impact on the current and future workforce.   Don't miss out on this event. Save the date!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are BHP and Accenture doing this?

HR Innovation Challenge is an initiative led by BHP in conjunction with Accenture Chile. The challenge arises from the idea that BHP has embarked on a journey to discover further opportunities/ initiatives that could future proof operations, enhance talent transformation, and embed a robust foundation for global workforce shifts.​

Is the challenge only focused on the mining industry?

Yes, although we are addressing HR challenges that could be present in any industry, we are interested in solutions that are specifically adapted for the mining industry.  

What are the requirements to participate?

We want to invite HR tech Start-ups from all over the world, focusing on those that have a presence in LATAM.  We are interested in discovering innovative HR tech solutions to the challenge categories proposed and that have been previously implemented in a client. For more details regarding the requirements, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.

For how many challenge categories can a start-up submit a solution for?

If the Start-ups believe that their solution can be applied for more than one challenge category, then one application is enough. However, if applicants want to propose more than one solution, then they must submit an application for each solution.

What if the scope of the solution is greater than that of each category?

This is not an issue as long as the solution addresses the challenge described in the category.   

In what language should the proposals be submitted?

The application can be submitted either in English or Spanish.  

What are the stages of the challenge?

Application Submission: Starting on March 20th, start-ups will be able to submit their application on the platform. Given that the evaluation team will make an evaluation based on the information that was submitted, we suggest that it is as complete and clear as possible. However, the team reserves the right to contact the start-up if there are further questions. 


Application deadline and evaluation process: Once the application window closes on April 12th, the team will review the application and create a shortlist of the Start-ups that will be invited to present on the Demo Day based on the judging criteria available in terms and conditions. This list will be available on the platform on April 17th and the selected startups will receive the invitations to the Demo Day by email. 


Demo Day: The invited start-ups must RSVP the invitation through the Idea360 website’s landing page and confirm if they will be attending virtually or in person. If the latter is true, then the participants are responsible for the logistics and the costs of the travel. The Demo Day will take place in Santiago, Chile on May 15th and the Challenge Champions will be announced the week of the 15th of May.  

How many Challenge Champion per challenge category will there be?

There will be one (1) Champion per challenge. 

What are key dates?

March 22nd – April 12th: Applications will be open. 

March 29th:  Online Q&A event will take place to answer the questions submitted by the applicants. 

April 4th: In person and online Webinar with C-Level members from both BHP and Accenture, and special guests from LATAM Unicorns in the mining industry, to share their perspective on trending HR topics.  

April 17th: Announcement of Start-ups who have been short listed and are invited to present in the Demo Day 

May 15th: Demo Day! This will take place in Santiago, but there will also be the option to join online for the participants who are not able to travel.  

Week of May 15th (post Demo Day): Announcement of Challenge Champions 

Who is responsible for the costs and travel logistics to attend the Demo Day?

The Start-ups are responsible for covering the costs and planning the travel logistics if they decide to attend the Demo Day in Santiago, Chile.   

What if there are issues submitting the application through the platform?

All questions regarding the application process or the form must be channeled through the Idea360 website’s landing page. They will not be answered by any other means.

How is cyber security managed?

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions available in the landing page. 

What about confidentiality?

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions available in the landing page. 

How is copyright managed?

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions available in the landing page.